Free shipping on orders over €99 within the EU
Läkkisepäntie 11 C, 00620 Helsinki
Free shipping on orders over €99 within the EU
Crest's Muay Thai boxing gloves provide excellent fit, protection, and performance for every training session as well as matches. These gloves are specifically designed to meet the requirements of Muay Thai. Whether you need gloves for casual training, sparring or professional-level needs, you can find them in Crest's wide range of different options. There are many different sizes, models, and colors to choose from.
Hyvä fit ja laadukasta kangasta.
Junior Boxing gloves
Crest - Combat Lifestyle T-shirt
Hyvät hanskat
Men’s supporter with rubber band
yllä mainuttu pretty much
Crest Shin Guards "Diran 1"
Ankle support
Tuntuvat hyvältä
Hyvänlaatuiset, tukevat hanskat! Plussaa kauniista ulkonäöstä!
Erittäin hyvä asiakas palvelu, suosittelen
Tosi hyvät.
Crest Boxing Gloves "Trivor 0.5" | Beige
The quality at this price is pretty unbeatable. Crest would probably sell out of these if they did an all black and some other monochrome colors (blue, red, white). I will be watching for other colors in the future.